Halusin kapasta suoran ja jäykän, joten laitoin Eurokankaan patalappuvanun tueksi. Taakse käytin Eurokankaan valkoista Perlaa ja tikkauslankana käytin tavallista valkoista saumurilankaa, joka toimi koneessa todella hyvin. Kapan leveys on kolme metriä, ja ensimmäistä kertaa tarvitsin siis lähes koko koneen leveyden - jatkojohtoakin piti käyttää, kun pistorasia ei ole seinässä ihan koneen keskikohdalla.
Hankalin vaihe oli reunojen huolittelu kaitaleella, koska kapasta tosiaan tuli jäykkä, joten se oli tosi hankala käsiteltävä tavallisessa ompelukoneessa. Lopuksi ompelin yläreunaan vielä tarranauhan, jolla se kiinnittyy katossa olevaan tarrakiskoon erittäin helposti.
Kaiken kaikkiaan toteutus vastaa visiotani erittäin hyvin, joten olen tyytyväinen lopputulokseen.
I found a piece of old curtain fabric on the flea market in November and got an idea to sew a Christmas valance for our living room. There was enough fabric to make a 3 meters wide valance that is 50 cm high - there is a seam in the middle but I managed to position the printed pattern quite well so you cannot even tell where the seam lies.
As I saw the fabric my first thought was to quilt around the leaf and vein motives which I also did, leaving only the smallest prints unquilted, as it would have been impossible to go around them without cutting the thread. I went ahead with manual mode on my Handi Quilter, which was not too difficult as soon as I had the courage to set the speed higher that I had anticipated in the beginning. For the first time I needed almost the whole width of the machine, and I also needed an extension cord since the power socket is not in the middle of the wall behind the machine.
I wanted the valance to hang perfectly flat and straight, so I used quite stiff polyester interfacing - backing fabric is also a bit thicker and stiffer than normal patchwork cotton. And I used white serger thread, since this was an in expensive project with a 3-euro-fabric to begin with... The thread did work fine in the machine :)
The most laborsome phase was the binding: I wanted the valance quite stiff and hanging straight - and it really was stiff, so it was quite hard to handle in the sewing machine. There is a Velcro hoop band in the railing, so I sewed a Velcro loop to the top of the valance to hang it to the railing.
The valance turned out exactly as I had visioned it in the beginning, so I'm quite satisfied with the end result.
Komia kangas ja kivasti tikattu. Hieno kappa!
VastaaPoistaOnko sinulla tuo tikkauskone kotona? Minkälaisen tilan se vie? Ei mahdu meille :( mutta kiinnostaa.
VastaaPoistaUpea" Olet saanut kyllä konetta liikutella noiden kiemuroiden ympärillä!
VastaaPoistaWhat an excellent chance to try new things without fear of ruining expensive fabric, and look how beautifully it worked out!