Harmaa ja vihreä kangas olivat tarjouksessa, punaiset ostin normaalihintaisina matkakäsityön täydennykseksi. Kuusikulmiopaperit olivat heräteostos, mutta nekin halvempia kuin Saksasta tilatut. Japanilaisen kirjan laskin tulevan samoihin hintoihin kuin Suomessakin, ja siinä riittänee matka"lukemista"...
Sää ei ole meitä toistaiseksi suosinut muutoin kuin pitämällä sateen loitolla sen aikaa, kun kiertelimme kaupungilla. Sen jälkeen on sadetta riittänyt ja taivas on aivan harmaa, pilvet roikkuvat alhaalla vuorten välissä. Mutta loma on kuitenkin aina loma!
Our holiday journey has already brought us to Norway and this second night we are staying on a camping place with internet access. As we packed with us a mini laptop that our Firstborn lent to us, and as today I visited a Norwegian quilt shop in Trondheim, I thought it appropriate to make a short blog post of my shopping bag contents. Norway is an expensive country, and patchwork stuff doesn't make any exception, but being here who could resist the opportunity. The grey and the greenish fabrics were on sale, red fabrics I really needed for my traveling patchwork, paper hexagons I took on an impulse and the Japanese book is for bedside "reading".
Sofar we haven't been much spoiled with the weather, only so much that it wasn't raining as we took a self-guided tour around the town. After that is has been raining, either lightly or heavily, and the sky is completely grey with clouds hanging in between the mountains. But vacation is always vacation, anyhow...