Viikonloppuna sain vihdoin askarreltua muutaman blokin - tuskien kautta, sillä jossain kohtaa sekoitin pari blokkia, ja jouduin purkamaan jo leikattuja kolmioita. Viimein idean oivallettuani se ei kuitenkaan ollut kovinkaan vaikeaa - koko homma perustuu peilikuviin ja niiden kääntäminen oli virheen korjaamiseksi suht vaivatonta. Vaadittiin vaan se lampun syttyminen ensin...
Hieman muuntelin myös tuota yhdistelyä, kun en halunnut tuloksen olevan aivan niin "scrappy" - se tietysti johti siihenkin, että saumanvarojen silityssuunnat olisi pitänyt huomioida toisin kuin alkuperäisessä mallissa... Mutta kasassa ovat nyt nuo neljä blokkia, joita pähkäilen, että miten yhdistän: kuvan neliöksi vai neljän kaitaleeksi. Kaitaleesta syntyisi pöytäliina, mutta symmetriaa huutava mieleni vaatisi viidennen blokin - jota en voi enää tehdä, kun yksi kankaista loppui jo...Toisaalta yhden blokin koko on 14 3/4x14 3/4" (n. 37x37 cm joten pitkänlainen liina tulisi. Neliön muodossa taas tykkään tuosta keskelle syntyvästä sekundäärisestä kuviosta, joka ei taas tule näkyviin kaitaleessa. Toisaalta: pitkulasta voisi tulla esim. keinutuolinmatto Anopille...
Summa summarum: hauska leikkaa-silvo-malli, suunnitelmallisesti edeten ei tule ongelmia, kun varmistaa että kaitaleet ovat kaikissa osissa samassa järjestyksessä ja latoo kaikki omiin kasoihin ennen ompelua ja silpomista... Käytin näihin kahdeksaa eri kangasta, mutta mallia voisi kokeilla vaikkapa neljällä tai kahdellakin kankaalla. Ja kapeammilla kaitaleillakin, tässä oli käytetty 2½-tuumaisia...
PS. Googlettamalla tuolla Honeyberries löytyy kuvia alkuperäisestä mallista, niistä näkee eron tekemääni verrattuna.
I had saved a pattern from a fellow-blogger, Blokkisiskot, for later use, and dug it out a while ago to use it as one of the patterns on the summer course that starts in May. (Unfortunately there aren't any pictures left in the blog due to the catastrophy last summer, so the link isn't that helpful outside Finland.) The pattern comes originally from a book called "40 Fabulous Quick-Cut-Quilts by Evelyn Sloppy", and it is called Honeyberries.
If you google with Honeyberries, you'll some pictures and will see the difference with my blogs and the original pattern. As I thought that the result would bee too scrappy for my taste, I put the block together in a bit different way. And since I first made two blocks and then still two, I also made a mistake and ended up with some mirror images that wouldn't go together like the first two. I spent a hard time figuring out a solution since I ran out of one of the fabrics. Finally I "saw the light" and the mirror image character of the block, did some unsewing and resewing and voilá - mission accomplished.
Now I'm considering how to combine these four blocks. I kind of like the secondary pattern in the middle, if I put them together into a square... But I don't have use for a quilt that size, and like I said I already ran out of one of the fabrics so I cannot make any additional blocks exactly the same. If I put these together in a row, my symmetrical eye calls for a fifth one... But on the other hand: even if I had fabric, it would make a table runner too long for our kitchen table... Maybe a rocking chair cover for DMIL...
All in all: the cut-and-slash pattern was fun to sew, problems will be avoidable by careful planning and organizing = by making sure that the strips are always put together in the same order and by organizing them into separate piles before sewing them together... and before slashing them again...
The finished block size should be 14", in my case it is a bit smaller since the blocks ended up 14 3/4 x 14 3/4". I used eight different fabrics, but it would be fun to try with less, e.g. four or two. And it would be fun to try with narrower strips, these were 2 ½".
If you google with Honeyberries, you'll some pictures and will see the difference with my blogs and the original pattern. As I thought that the result would bee too scrappy for my taste, I put the block together in a bit different way. And since I first made two blocks and then still two, I also made a mistake and ended up with some mirror images that wouldn't go together like the first two. I spent a hard time figuring out a solution since I ran out of one of the fabrics. Finally I "saw the light" and the mirror image character of the block, did some unsewing and resewing and voilá - mission accomplished.
Now I'm considering how to combine these four blocks. I kind of like the secondary pattern in the middle, if I put them together into a square... But I don't have use for a quilt that size, and like I said I already ran out of one of the fabrics so I cannot make any additional blocks exactly the same. If I put these together in a row, my symmetrical eye calls for a fifth one... But on the other hand: even if I had fabric, it would make a table runner too long for our kitchen table... Maybe a rocking chair cover for DMIL...
All in all: the cut-and-slash pattern was fun to sew, problems will be avoidable by careful planning and organizing = by making sure that the strips are always put together in the same order and by organizing them into separate piles before sewing them together... and before slashing them again...
The finished block size should be 14", in my case it is a bit smaller since the blocks ended up 14 3/4 x 14 3/4". I used eight different fabrics, but it would be fun to try with less, e.g. four or two. And it would be fun to try with narrower strips, these were 2 ½".
Hauska blokki ! Tekotapaa voi vain arvailla.
VastaaPoista: D
Liebe Hannele,
VastaaPoistaWas für schöne Blöcke, das ist ein sehr interessantes Muster und gut gelungen -
liebe Grüße
Kaunis ja hauskan näköinen blokki!
VastaaPoistaKauniita kankaita olet käyttänyt.
Kaunis! Menee joskus kokeiltavien listalle, vaikka tiedossa on ehkä paljon purkamista :) Värisi toimivat kokonaisuudessa hienosti.
VastaaPoistaTodella mielenkiintoinen blokki! Ja herkulliset värit + kankaat! Tätä täytyy ihan mietiskellä ja kokeilla, jospa lamppu syttyisi;o) Itse kyllä pitäisin nämä blokit neliömuodossa...
VastaaPoistaToimii!!! Tykkään kovasti. Loistavasti valitut värit ja upea kuvio syntyi blokeista.
VastaaPoistamukavaa ettà ehdit kokeilla tàtà blokkia, nàtti ja helppo, kun saa ideasta kiinni. terveisin Raita
VastaaPoistaOlet valinnut tosi ihanat värit tähän kokeiluun :) Tulee pirteää pintaa. Kiva,että innostuit kokeilemaan tätä blokkimallia.