thank you for posting a photo of your home away from home. It is interesting to see - ours is bigger than that but much smaller than what a lot of other Americans have. (we do not have a big, big bus size home) Please post photos of your trip when you get home unless you plan to do so while on the road - I will watch and see - I love to travel and bring my hand work with me and see the scenery and hike. Have fun!
Tuollaisella olisikin kiva matkustella etenkin näin vanhempana, teltta ja retkipatja ei oikein enään houkuttele etenkään ulkomaanmatkoilla. Mukavaa lomamatkaa!
Hyvää matkaa!
VastaaPoistathank you for posting a photo of your home away from home. It is interesting to see - ours is bigger than that but much smaller than what a lot of other Americans have. (we do not have a big, big bus size home) Please post photos of your trip when you get home unless you plan to do so while on the road - I will watch and see - I love to travel and bring my hand work with me and see the scenery and hike. Have fun!
VastaaPoistaNautinnollista lomaa!
VastaaPoistaTuollaisella olisikin kiva matkustella etenkin näin vanhempana, teltta ja retkipatja ei oikein enään houkuttele etenkään ulkomaanmatkoilla. Mukavaa lomamatkaa!
VastaaPoistaMukavaa matkaa, kivan käsityön kanssa...