Ajattelin aloittaa maaliskuun keskeneräisen työn hyvissä ajoin, jotta ei aina tulisi niin kiire viime tipassa. Jostain aikanaan kankaisiini eksyi kukikas retrokangas, ja ajattelin tehdä siitä nopeasti pöytäliinan laittamalla vain taustakankaan ja ohuen vanun ja tikkaamalla kukkien ja lehtien ympärykset. Hyvää vapaatikkausharjoitusta. No, nopeasti sain kyllä kerrokset sprayliimalla yhteen, mutta siihen se sitten jäikin pari vuotta sitten. Lauantaina kaivoin sen esiin, kun olin saanut vapaan tikkauksen lehtiharjoituksen tehtyä, ja aloin tikata. Jatkoin tikkaamista sunnuntaina ja sainkin kaikki painokuviot ympäröityä. Mutta työssä oli paljon valkoisia alueita, ja takaraivon lihasmuistissa ne pienet lehdet ja kuinkas ollakaan: huomasin tikkaavani niitä kaikkiin tyhjiin kohtiin vaihtuvavärisellä langalla, jossa sininen, punainen, keltainen ja vihreä vaihtelevat vaaleissa sävyissä.
Jotain itselleni uutta kokeilin myös reunoihin: käänsin taustakankaan reunat työn päälle ja kiinnitin ne koneompeleella. Tähän asti olen joko käyttänyt erillistä reunakaitaletta tai sitten ommellut työn pussiin ja kääntänyt oikean puolen päälle. Liina on kooltaan 47 x 137 cm - outo koko, mutta kangas oli tasan sen kokoinen. Tai itse asiassa niitä on kaksi, hm... Voikohan vapaasta tikkauksesta tulla riippuvaiseksi... No, ainakin löysin vasemmasta olkapäästäni aivan uuden lihaksen näiden pitkien tikkaussessioiden ansiosta.
This time I decided to start early with the UFO challenge, so I wouldn't have such a hurry at the end of the month. A couple of years ago I got some retro fabric with flowers and leaves, and I planned to make a table cloth out of it. I got so far that I cut batting and backing and spray basted them together, but after that - nothing. On Saturday as I had finished the free-motion quilting session, I took the UFO out and started to stitch around the printed leaves and flowers. On Sunday I continued and finally I had free-motion quilted around them all. But there were lots of empty white areas left in between them and the little quilted leaves in my muscle memory... and the rest is history: I filled the empty areas by quilting little leaves with variegated thread in pastel shades of blue, red, yellow and green.
Instead of binding I turned the backing edges to the front and fastened them with sewing machine. The tablecloth is 47 x 137 cm - a bit odd size perhaps, but that's how the fabric was as I got it. Actually I have another one still... I wonder if one can become addicted to free-motion quilting... Well, at least I found a totally new muscle in my left shoulder - as a result of the numerous hours spent on quilting.

This time I decided to start early with the UFO challenge, so I wouldn't have such a hurry at the end of the month. A couple of years ago I got some retro fabric with flowers and leaves, and I planned to make a table cloth out of it. I got so far that I cut batting and backing and spray basted them together, but after that - nothing. On Saturday as I had finished the free-motion quilting session, I took the UFO out and started to stitch around the printed leaves and flowers. On Sunday I continued and finally I had free-motion quilted around them all. But there were lots of empty white areas left in between them and the little quilted leaves in my muscle memory... and the rest is history: I filled the empty areas by quilting little leaves with variegated thread in pastel shades of blue, red, yellow and green.
Instead of binding I turned the backing edges to the front and fastened them with sewing machine. The tablecloth is 47 x 137 cm - a bit odd size perhaps, but that's how the fabric was as I got it. Actually I have another one still... I wonder if one can become addicted to free-motion quilting... Well, at least I found a totally new muscle in my left shoulder - as a result of the numerous hours spent on quilting.

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